Table of Contents
When we think about how we can change the food system, our first thought may be of things we can do as consumers: Buy organic. 买当地的. 查找“自由放养”之类的短语或“公平食品”或“海鲜观察”之类的标签.
All these things are very much worth doing. 但是食品系统不能仅仅通过消费者的选择来改变. 我们所处的混乱在很大程度上是由糟糕的公共政策造成和维持的, and it’s going to take smart, evidence-based policy to move us forward. Much of this work needs to be done on the federal level, though state and local governments can also play an important role.
的 federal farm bill
的 farm bill is large and complex piece of legislation, renewed at five-year intervals, 这为联邦政府的大部分食品相关517888九五至尊娱乐设定了政策议程和预算重点. It covers everything from nutrition programs to crop insurance, agricultural research, 贸易, and conservation programs.
Each time the farm bill is up for renewal, UCS为该版本的法案确定了一个优先级列表,并开始517888九五至尊娱乐, both through direct lobbying and mobilizing our supporters, 确保在最终版本中尽可能多地反映这些优先事项. In recent years, 我们的首要任务包括捍卫补充营养援助计划(SNAP), strengthening conservation programs, 支持将农民与当地市场联系起来并帮助新农民的新举措.
的 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
这份健康饮食蓝图是由美国农业部和卫生与公众服务部联合发布的, 根据617888九五至尊娱乐专家咨询委员会的建议. 的 Dietary Guidelines 每五年修订一次,以保持最新的营养617888九五至尊娱乐. 然而, 游说努力有时会成功地消除或淡化威胁行业底线的617888九五至尊娱乐建议. 我们需要通过政策举措更好地支持这些指导方针,使人们更容易遵循这些指导方针.
Federal child nutrition programs
A suite of federal programs, reauthorized at regular intervals, 为我国学校的健康膳食提供资金和营养标准. For many students, especially those in families facing food insecurity, 联邦政府补贴的学校午餐或早餐可能是他们一天中唯一健康的一餐. It’s critically important for the health, 幸福, 我们继续资助这些项目,并为他们制定高营养标准. 加工食品行业一直在努力削弱这些标准,这样他们就可以销售更多的巧克力牛奶和薯片. We have to keep pushing back.
Good 食物 Purchasing 项目
While consumer action at the individual level can make a difference, 学校系统或医院等大型机构拥有更大的影响力. Good 食物 Purchasing 项目 (GFPPs), adopted already in several cities and being considered in many more, 让政府实体或大型组织根据一套激励公平的标准做出食品购买决定, sustainability and local economic benefit. gfpp在采用和实施方面具有挑战性,但可以成为积极变革的有力工具.
State, local, and private sector solutions
并不是所有通过政策改革来改变粮食系统的517888九五至尊娱乐都是在联邦一级完成的. 各州和市政当局可以做很多事情来推动该系统朝着正确的方向发展. 有远见的企业可以通过积极主动地公平对待员工,使自己成为解决方案的一部分, sourcing local, sustainable food, 并与社区合作,帮助改善当地的食品环境.